Oleh Shostkevych

JavaScript Developer /
Cloud Engineer

I am a Full Stack Javascript guy who knows how the things should be done right and how those things should be deployed into right infrastructure.


At the beginning of my career I was mostly involved into front-end tasks for different kind of project with a specific goals. Currently I'm working with a React/ReactNative stack for front-end solutions and I'm really passionate about good UI/UX, high quality code, security and fast-load times.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vanilla
  • React
  • React Native
  • NextJS
  • Angular
  • jQuery


During a career progress I've found out that actually back-end competence was needed. So I've made a huge investment into self-education and succeeded to complete a bunch of Backend projects with a different kind of arthitectures. As a key achivement, I've acomplished my own IOT cloud platform and also took a part as consultant in different areas of back-end systems. Currently I'm mostly working with micro-service architectures with complete authentication and optimization stack.

  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • FusionAuth
  • Keycloak
  • PassportJS
  • RabbitMQ
  • Socket.IO
  • LogDNA
  • Sentry

databases & storage

As a main technology for databases and data storage, I've used a MongoDB, combined with Redis. From my point of view, this is a great, fast and stable database with a huge capabilities for a different kind of tasks. Also I've used LowDB for small apps and SQLite for mobile apps.

  • LowDB
  • SQLite
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • ElasticSearch
  • S3


In full-stack lifecycle, infrastructure takes a highly important role. So alongside with Backend learning path, I was also working and improving my skills in latest technologies for CI/CD and infrastructure drivers. By the way I'm really passionate about servers, networking and other 'geeky' things like that, so using my Linux skills very often

  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Github Actions
  • Circle CI
  • Linux
  • Bash


Any kind of production software or systems should be properly tested, so I'm using techologies below

  • Jest
  • Mocha
  • Cypress
  • Enzyme
  • Loader.io
  • PostMan

cloud providers

All the above things needs fast, reliable and protected cloud. So currently I'm working with two of most famous platforms.

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Digital Ocean
  • Mongo Atlas
  • ScaleGrid
  • Vercel